Channel: 野嵜健秀/NOZAKI Takehide(@nozakitakehide) - Twilog
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RT @BILD: Trotz Omikron-Welle - Europa macht sich locker www.bild.de/politik/auslan…

posted at 06:05:45

RT @afpbbcom: 米最高裁、初の黒人女性判事を指名へ 大統領が表明www.afpbb.com/articles/-/338…

posted at 06:05:04

RT @Forbes: The federal deadline for health care workers at facilities participating in Medicare and Medicaid to get at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine arrived Thursday for many states, and will take effect across the country next month. Read more: www.forbes.com/sites/lisakim/… pic.twitter.com/r134sBctXr

posted at 05:43:11

RT @afpbbcom: ワクチン未接種で心臓移植対象外に 米病院 www.afpbb.com/articles/-/338… 米ボストンの病院が、新型コロナウイルスワクチンを接種していない男性患者(31)に対し、心臓移植手術を行わない方針であることが明らかになった。現地テレビ各局が26日、報じた。

posted at 05:42:48

RT @morgenpost: Musiker stirbt nach Corona-Demo in Wandlitz www.morgenpost.de/berlin/article… pic.twitter.com/fBJCqFjB6e

posted at 05:42:32

RT @jijimedical: コロナ規制の大半解除=公共の場でマスク不要に―英 【ロンドン時事】英イングランドで27日、新型コロナウイルス対策に関連する規制の大半が解除された。変異株「オミクロン株」拡大を受けて規制が強化されていたが、ワクチン接種が進んだことなどから… medical.jiji.com/news/50448

posted at 05:42:20

昨年、ロイヤル獣医大学が糖尿病のねこを対象に、カロリー制限と監視を行ふパイロットプログラムを実施、3/4のねこを健康に戻せた。ねこの飼主には是非このプログラムへの参加登録を との事

posted at 05:41:14

ザ・テレグラフの記事 イギリスのペットのねこの半数近くが肥満。50000匹以上のねこが糖尿病で苦しんでゐる との記事 twitter.com/Telegraph/stat…

posted at 05:37:53

RT @Telegraph: 🗓️Owners are being asked to sign up for a 12-month programme that would involve a special diet, and regular glucose monitoring. They will even be provided with glucose monitoring cat litter Read the full story👇 www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/01/2…

posted at 05:35:37

RT @Telegraph: ➡️There are thought to be around five million obese cats in Britain, and an estimated 54,500 cats suffering from diabetes, with vets expecting the numbers to increase. Diabetes in cats is so deadly that many animals are put down on diagnosis

posted at 05:35:29

RT @Telegraph: During the pandemic, people who were self-isolating with coronavirus were also advised to keep their pets inside to avoid potentially spreading the virus. 🔺This may have increased levels of obesity, experts fear pic.twitter.com/PhgfbVhA2S

posted at 05:35:18

RT @Telegraph: ❌A study by Nottingham Trent University found that owners were particularly concerned about protecting their pets from traffic, people and other wildlife… …even though an indoor lifestyle can be bad for their physical and mental health

posted at 05:35:09

RT @Telegraph: 📈Feline obesity in Britain has risen alongside trends to keep domestic cats indoors. Almost half of owners say they do not let their pets outside, particularly those living in cities pic.twitter.com/14bbnTXKyC

posted at 05:34:54

RT @Telegraph: 🐈Now they are calling on more owners to enrol their animals on the programme… …which can extend their lives and prevent the need for regular insulin injections

posted at 05:34:47

RT @Telegraph: ⚖️Over the last year, The Royal Veterinary College has been running a pilot programme to put diabetic cats on a calorie restricted diet and monitoring programme. It has brought three quarters of animals back to health

posted at 05:34:39

RT @Telegraph: 🐱Nearly half of Britain’s pet cats are obese. More than 50,000 suff from diabetes, vets have warned, calling for owners to enroll their fat felines in trials to reverse the condition Thread 🧵👇 www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/01/2… pic.twitter.com/7dFywkpOSu

posted at 05:34:29

RT @Breakingviews: Tech investors are worried the pandemic brought forward years of future revenue, especially for cloud-based companies, and that growth will now slow. Apple instead may be poised for a rebound as it satiates pent-up demand for iPhones, writes @rob_cyran: bit.ly/33WVj4X pic.twitter.com/5BjrBTAxIk

posted at 05:33:53

RT @ReutersJapan: アングル:強まる米FRBのタカ派色、機関投資家は「守りの運用」へ reut.rs/3KMOVxT

posted at 05:33:26

RT @BloombergJapan: ウクライナとの戦争は想定外、4カ国協議での進展望む-ロシア外務省 trib.al/ngwgTbW

posted at 05:33:01

RT @nhk_news: ウクライナ情勢 米回答にロシア「楽観的になる理由多くない」 #nhk_news www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2022…

posted at 05:32:56

RT @BFMTV: Covid-19: les vaccins Novavax distribués en priorité en Outre-mer www.bfmtv.com/sante/covid-19… pic.twitter.com/a0cW3p7Foz

posted at 05:32:24

RT @Forbes: Populist Countries – Like The U.S. – Had More Excess Covid Deaths In 2020, Study Finds trib.al/oZllNmL pic.twitter.com/ouSa63Ir5i

posted at 05:25:45

RT @Daily_Express: Omicron symptoms: The sign after a COVID infection - 'over exertion' can worsen it www.express.co.uk/life-style/hea… pic.twitter.com/6grt7q1b66

posted at 05:25:31

RT @franceinter: Prochain arrêt, Takadanobaba, pour parler du piratage et de l'industrie. @MarieCPalot reçoit @kaorinchan, la traductrice Marilou Leclerc et @Sa_Cherraben (@Glenat_Manga) 🚇Pour écouter, RDV sur l.franceinter.fr/O8u pic.twitter.com/JJZFE8cqA9

posted at 04:47:57

RT @franceinter: @MarieCPalot @Bytell2 @NoahQol @Athan0r @universdesora Prochain arrêt, direction Shinjuku : entre sexisme et féminisme. @MarieCPalot reçoit @Bulledop, @VengeurMasK, Mikael de @lerenarddore et Bruno Pham de @AKATAmanga 🚇Pour écouter, RDV sur l.franceinter.fr/O8u pic.twitter.com/KkS4Z1dCJJ

posted at 04:47:53

RT @franceinter: @MarieCPalot #Yamanote est de retour avec 5 nouveaux épisodes ! Premier arrêt : Shibuya, pour évoquer les valeurs du manga, @MarieCPalot reçoit @Bytell2, @NoahQol @Athan0r @universdesora 🚇Pour écouter, RDV sur l.franceinter.fr/O8u pic.twitter.com/GTIOePindB

posted at 04:47:49

RT @franceinter: ⭕ YAMANOTE ⭕ Bienvenue dans un voyage à 360 degrés autour de la culture #manga et de la Japanime. #Yamanote : un podcast de @MarieCPalot. ➡️ l.franceinter.fr/l1T pic.twitter.com/PrTdntpxkT

posted at 04:47:26

RT @nhk_news: ウクライナ情勢 大手商社の現地駐在員 国外退避の動き #nhk_news www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2022…

posted at 04:46:41

RT @BW: The biggest economic threat in 2022 isn’t Covid. It’s inflation—and what the central banks decide to do about it trib.al/2XJioZ8

posted at 04:44:07

RT @Independent: Booster vaccine significantly reduces risk of death from Omicron, figures show www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/omicro…

posted at 04:43:39

RT @Forbes: The US and NATO have sent a a written response to Russia regarding their agression towards Ukraine and various demands, and are hoping Putin comes “back to the table,” Victoria Nuland, the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, said at a press briefing. pic.twitter.com/l8E5hSbaJR

posted at 04:42:09

RT @nhk_news: 香港国家安全維持法関連の逮捕者は162人 警察トップが明らかに #nhk_news www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2022…

posted at 04:37:47

RT @Reuters: Sweden decides against recommending COVID vaccines for kids aged 5-12 reut.rs/3G8QiUa pic.twitter.com/MIP9QVd0qc

posted at 04:25:32

RT @sousanusi: 株主資本主義からの脱却で岸田ショックがどうたらいう話を聞くから日米中仏独伊韓の株価指数の年初来の動きを見たけど、岸田がどうこう言うほど突出して落ちてないやんけ pic.twitter.com/4gJD6F39OA

posted at 04:25:03

RT @MIKITO_777: 勝手にピークアウトするような発言ですが、決してそんなことはありません。 諸外国の減少は、感染による免疫保持者の増加等で、実行再生産数が1以下になったからです。 人流が減っているので、来週ピークアウトする可能性は高いですが、それは多くの方々の努力の結果です。 www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/entame/news/39…

posted at 04:23:28

RT @BUNKUROI: プーチンの腹の内は他人は誰もわからない。 ただ彼の言動は今後の行動の自己正当化の布石。 彼はウクライナをロシアと同民族と言ってるので、NATO拡大云々は建前で、いずれウクライナ全体を縄張り化していく方針。 あとは状況を見てその時点でリスクとコストを計算して実行可能と判断した策を採用する

posted at 04:14:39

RT @edgeofstreet918: 米国の金利、金融引き締め観測、ウクライナ情勢とサプライチェーンの障害、コロナ禍の人的損害が主な原因ですから、岸田首相は全く関係ありませんよ。 twitter.com/lyiase/status/…

posted at 04:13:16

RT @lyiase: どうでも良いが、これを信じてしまうのであれば、現在の市場構造と世界情勢が全く分かってないことになるな。 twitter.com/hamusoku/statu…

posted at 04:13:11

RT @hamusoku: 【#岸田ショック】岸田政権、リーマンショックやコロナショックを超える岸田ショックを達成…先進国トップの下落率を誇り、年金10兆円を吹き飛ばす無能政権として名を刻む : ハムスター速報 @hamusoku hamusoku.com/archives/10481…

posted at 04:13:02

RT @Newsweek: The U.S. and NATO allies have expressed concern over Russia’s presence of 100,000 troops near the Ukrainian border, with President Joe Biden putting at least 8,500 troops on standby for deployment to Europe. Read more: www.newsweek.com/russia-conduct…

posted at 03:53:38

RT @ElwatanNews: #الصحة: نستهدف تطعيم 70% من المواطنين قبل الربع الثاني من 2022 bit.ly/3H6GKKI

posted at 03:48:16

RT @USATODAY: Biden promises to nominate first Black woman to the Supreme Court, "it's long overdue in my opinion." bit.ly/3KSPzds pic.twitter.com/eCn35wVgzz

posted at 03:45:26

RT @CBSNews: Russia's reaction to U.S. and NATO leaves Ukraine crisis to fester on the brink of war cbsn.ws/3tZRIhk

posted at 03:45:17

ノルド・ストリーム - Wikipedia ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%8E…

posted at 03:44:51

RT @RFI: Ukraine: Berlin annonce que les sanctions contre la Russie viseront Nord Stream 2 rfi.my/87Uf.t pic.twitter.com/Ni88X18Mwh

posted at 03:42:57

RT @BBCAfrica: Sierra Leone has received praise for transforming its education system, despite struggles with severe disruption to education at different stages of its history through war, the Ebola crisis and most recently the Covid-19 pandemic bbc.in/3nWH4UQ

posted at 03:35:32

RT @nypost: NYC should expect up to a foot of snow this weekend, forecasters say trib.al/wQmmVtn pic.twitter.com/scryB3u7km

posted at 03:31:32

RT @BloombergJapan: FRB、20%余りの株安容認も-ブリッジウォーター幹部 trib.al/Y7HwfeV

posted at 03:02:49

RT @Reuters: A 555.55-carat black diamond named ‘The Enigma’ is headed for auction at Sotheby's. Also known as a carbonado diamond, it is possible the black diamond came from outer space reut.rs/3H9btGP pic.twitter.com/TuAExhszMO

posted at 03:02:21

RT @ReutersBiz: Renault and Nissan will work more closely together to make electric cars, setting out plans to invest $26 billion over the next five years. More here: reut.rs/35yCrKl pic.twitter.com/vPFlIitZgG

posted at 03:01:43

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