Channel: 野嵜健秀/NOZAKI Takehide(@nozakitakehide) - Twilog
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RT @AJEnglish: • Iran sees ‘red’ again as Omicron infections rise aje.io/jb2z3q • Hong Kong could stay a COVID-19 hermit until 2024, warns business body aje.io/cjqgwf Follow our coverage for the latest updates ⤵️ pic.twitter.com/gV1loLoo8y

posted at 04:24:55

RT @AJEnglish: Russia and Ukraine advisers to meet in Paris today over border tensions, for the first time since 2019, as fears of war escalate. 🔴 Follow our LIVE coverage for the latest updates: aje.io/gfr6cx pic.twitter.com/CYyWmRvDGe

posted at 04:24:05

RT @AJEnglish: ⚡Everything you need to know about the difference between endemic and pandemic diseases 👇 twitter.com/i/events/14863…

posted at 04:23:39

RT @CNEWS: Covid-19 : Nombre de personnes en réanimation, nombre de décès à l'hôpital, régions touchées... Le coronavirus en chiffres et en carte www.cnews.fr/france/2021-12…

posted at 04:23:06

RT @DailyMirror: Dad dying of Covid says he regrets not getting vaccine in final texts to family www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-new… pic.twitter.com/h3r87e3417

posted at 04:22:48

RT @CTVNews: Astronomers find mysterious object in space 'unlike anything' seen before bit.ly/33U6fQX pic.twitter.com/8S1nC9bP7h

posted at 04:22:15

RT @nypost: Fauci says children younger than 4 will get three does of COVID vaccines trib.al/OFpxUjZ pic.twitter.com/aBgWmIyiLK

posted at 04:21:49

RT @BFMTV: 🔴 ALERTE INFO Etats-Unis: la Fed maintient ses taux entre 0 et 0,25% mais envisage de les relever "bientôt" l.bfmtv.com/tj1 pic.twitter.com/2w0DKCrFiL

posted at 04:21:02

RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: US Federal Reserve keeps rates unchanged, signals a rate hike in March

posted at 04:20:43

RT @jijicom: 【速報】 米FRBは「利上げが間もなく適切となる」として、3月の次回金融政策会合でゼロ金利解除を決める方針を示唆した(ワシントン時事) www.jiji.com

posted at 04:20:12

RT @Daily_Express: UK snow maps show February onslaught as bone-chilling -4C freeze grips Britain www.express.co.uk/news/weather/1…

posted at 04:19:38

RT @AlAhram: تونس تمدد حظر التجوال الليلي لمدة أسبوعين للحد من تفشي كورونا gate.ahram.org.eg/News/3290256.a…

posted at 04:19:20

RT @DailyMirror: Dark website lists Russian spies, priests and more deemed 'threats to Ukraine' www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-new… pic.twitter.com/iFyfU4P9yt

posted at 04:18:41

RT @BBCWorld: Ukraine preparing to attack, not Russia, says Kremlin-controlled media bbc.in/3KNNZJK

posted at 04:18:20

RT @MirrorBreaking_: NATO and US warn Russia to 'de-escalate immediately' as threat of war looms www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/b… pic.twitter.com/3WBv4ijIrO

posted at 04:18:06

RT @jiji_gaishin: 【速報】FRBは総資産縮小の原則を発表した(ワシントン時事)

posted at 04:17:32

RT @jiji_gaishin: 【速報】FRBは政策金利を年0~0.25%で据え置くことを決めた(ワシントン時事)

posted at 04:17:29

RT @afpfr: Le second étage d'une fusée de SpaceX ayant décollé il y a sept ans va s'écraser en mars sur la Lune, selon les experts, qui ont recalculé la trajectoire de cet objet laissé à l'abandon dans l'espace #AFP pic.twitter.com/hRBPeaWd5x

posted at 04:17:14

RT @franceinfo: Covid-19 : le Conseil d'orientation de la stratégie vaccinale rejette l'idée d'une généralisation de la quatrième dose www.francetvinfo.fr/sante/maladie/… pic.twitter.com/HxTgJ57Jf1

posted at 04:16:58

RT @Forbes: Moscow’s Submarines Could Strike Across Ukraine. Kiev Let Its Own Sub Rust Away. trib.al/ha1kT3Q pic.twitter.com/wms8yKpkss

posted at 03:58:14

pettifogging とは 意味・読み方・表現 | Weblio英和辞書 ejje.weblio.jp/content/pettif…

posted at 03:56:28

RT @Telegraph: 🗣️Boris Johnson has accused the EU of implementing the Northern Ireland Protocol in "an insane and pettifogging" way www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/…

posted at 03:55:58

RT @latimes: The Omicron surge has peaked, rather unevenly, in California. But there's one wrinkle — the emergence of a subtype called BA.2. www.latimes.com/california/sto…

posted at 03:54:34

RT @Daily_Express: Cancer symptoms: The crucial warning sign that can worsen ‘after meals’ or when lying down www.express.co.uk/life-style/hea… pic.twitter.com/MwKRlm6gC8

posted at 03:53:42

RT @RFI: Face au scandale du «Partygate», Boris Johnson refuse la démission rfi.my/87Hq.t pic.twitter.com/X7kGt6TGt8

posted at 03:53:25

RT @Yomiuri_Online: 露の「安全の保証」巡る提案に米が回答、ブリンケン氏が明らかに www.yomiuri.co.jp/world/20220127… #国際

posted at 03:51:11

RT @BloombergJapan: ドイツ、今年の経済成長予測を3.6%に下方修正-新型コロナ再流行で trib.al/EJuNpUj

posted at 03:50:51

RT @latimes: Optimism as Omicron peaks in California, but new BA.2 subtype raises questions www.latimes.com/california/sto…

posted at 03:50:11

RT @CTVNews: Blinken: No concessions in response to Russia on Ukraine bit.ly/3u6Mnon pic.twitter.com/No53Xo3GN3

posted at 03:49:29

RT @usatgraphics: Recent weapons transfers include: - Javelin anti-tank weapons from Estonia. - Stinger air defense systems from Lithuania and Latvia. - Anti-tank missiles from the U.K. - Five Russian-made but U.S-owned Mi-17 transport helicopters. Here's a closer look: www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graph… pic.twitter.com/a9bI077bvT

posted at 03:48:31

RT @usatgraphics: The Pentagon kept the USS Harry S Truman carrier strike group, a group of six warships, in the Mediterranean Sea and placed it under NATO command. The strike group had been scheduled to move on to the Middle East after a naval exercise but will remain: www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graph… pic.twitter.com/2H8xdxLU1I

posted at 03:48:21

RT @usatgraphics: NATO reinforcements to allies: - Denmark: Sending frigate to Baltic Sea and four F-16s to Lithuania. - Spain: Sending ships and may send fighter jets to Bulgaria. - France: Ready to send troops to Romania. - The Netherlands: Two F-35s to Bulgaria. Ship and land units on standby. pic.twitter.com/1G5A2dyBrD

posted at 03:48:09

RT @usatgraphics: Russian tanks, artillery, and support vehicles were seen near Veinya, Russia on Jan. 20. Image: @Maxar www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graph… pic.twitter.com/DApkctFZ5T

posted at 03:47:58

RT @usatgraphics: Russian troops were seen at the Pogonovo Training Area near Voronezh, Russia on Jan. 16. Image: @Maxar www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graph… pic.twitter.com/bN9fHxiKEx

posted at 03:47:51

RT @usatgraphics: A comparison of Ukrainian and Russian troop levels in general. Russia has far more active duty personnel: www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graph… pic.twitter.com/6IhK7KgjBz

posted at 03:47:34

RT @usatgraphics: Here's a look at Russian military deployments near Ukraine: www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graph… pic.twitter.com/NydWtndTEr

posted at 03:47:24

RT @usatgraphics: Over 100,000 Russian troops are deployed near Ukraine and the U.S. and NATO are bolstering forces in the region. Severe sanctions and a well-supplied resistance await Russia if they choose to invade. How the U.S. and allies could respond: www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graph… Image: @Maxar pic.twitter.com/IJhv01R3oT

posted at 03:46:54

RT @afpfr: L'indignation contre le gouvernement conservateur s'est encore accrue mercredi en Grèce, au surlendemain d'une tempête de neige exceptionnelle, qui a bloqué des milliers d'automobilistes sur le périphérique d'Athènes et laissé sans électricité des milliers de foyers #AFP pic.twitter.com/JB07HTZBGe

posted at 03:45:56


posted at 03:45:34

RT @Reuters: Crunch time: Japan's 'miracle' snack gets first price hike after decades reut.rs/3KKYFbQ pic.twitter.com/NgVcR40ct5

posted at 03:45:07

RT @Moto26892334: 仕事から帰宅して、急いで車を走らせて19:15到着。20:00までのブッコフさんで、こんだけ仕入れられたら、まあまあ上出来じゃない?😂 時間かけて丁寧に見れば、もっと仕入れられそうでした😋 以前同行いただいて、見るポイントを掴むとここまで来れるようになりました。 妻に怒られる前に早く帰ります pic.twitter.com/lE1NFhIUN6

posted at 03:39:45

RT @yukeko_: わわわ、ブッコフにてメルカリとかでプレミア付きまくってるコチラをなんと千円台でゲット🖖 pic.twitter.com/KrTXIfMBgC

posted at 03:39:28

RT @MobiusWarn: ブッコフでアニソンCD漁ろうと思ってもあんまり見つからないしジェイポップの棚を漁るのもアリかもなあ

posted at 03:39:26

RT @Hi_P_NAMAZUN5: 個人練帰りに寄ったブッコフで見つけてしまい即買い pic.twitter.com/pTA0SkJwwa

posted at 03:39:09

RT @wamulamo: そういえばこの前ブッコフ行ったらせどりの方がいらっしゃって、えっブッコフせどりってまだいけるんかと驚いた でも手慣れた動作の割にのんびりやってらしたんで、もう趣味みたいなもんになってるのやもしれぬ

posted at 03:38:32

RT @VancouverSun: Omicron? No big deal: Majority of Canadians believe COVID no worse than the flu, says poll vancouversun.com/news/local-new…

posted at 03:35:01

RT @lemondefr: Crise en Ukraine : séquence diplomatique à Paris, Washington s’attend à une attaque russe imminente www.lemonde.fr/international/…

posted at 02:39:19

RT @Independent: Fewer Czechs dying of COVID-19 despite record infections www.independent.co.uk/news/prague-eu…

posted at 02:39:02

RT @afpfr: L'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) a autorisé mercredi Pékin à prendre des sanctions tarifaires sur 645 millions de dollars de produits américains, en rétorsion à des mesures anti-dumping américaines, dans un contentieux remontant à 2012 #AFP pic.twitter.com/7541thIWwA

posted at 02:38:06

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