Channel: 野嵜健秀/NOZAKI Takehide(@nozakitakehide) - Twilog
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RT @nhk_shutoken: 地震の際に超高層ビルをゆっくりと揺らす「長周期地震動」について気象庁は、来年2月から緊急地震速報の発表の対象に加えることになりました。非常に大きな揺れが予測された地域に速報を発表し、ビルの高層階などに警戒を呼びかけます。 www3.nhk.or.jp/shutoken-news/…

posted at 14:09:42

RT @nigiwai72: あれ? 「八王子古本まつり」、今日は中止になったと思っていた。 明日行くつもりだが、明日の天気はどうなるだろう?>RT

posted at 14:08:36

RT @janikaede: 今日からユーロードで八王子古本まつり始まってるよー📚 はちナポのキッチンカーも発見!一回食べてみたいんよね🍝 #八王子古本まつり pic.twitter.com/LJJPvhI5hs

posted at 14:08:13

RT @sakaekt: 雨ですか☔今日から「八王子古本まつり」やってます📚 三崎町公園では【商店街の古本チャリティ】してます😄 どれでも1冊100円で、売上は社会福祉協議会に寄付します💰 #八王子 #古本まつり 場所: 西放射線ユーロード www.instagram.com/p/CjZW51ILl3v/…

posted at 14:08:06

RT @goguynet: 【八王子市】今度の八王子古本まつりは史上最多27店舗が参加。心もお腹も満足する秋にぴったりのイベントです hachioji.goguynet.jp/2022/10/07/fur…

posted at 14:07:56

RT @bbcnewsjapan: BBCニュース - 欧州政治共同体が初会合 トラス英首相、マクロン仏大統領と会談し「友人」と www.bbc.com/japanese/63168…

posted at 14:07:09

RT @onodera460: 西欧での感染急増は新しい変異株によるものではないようです。ワクチンや自然感染で獲得した免疫が低下すると、古い強毒株が再活性化する可能性も懸念されます。実際ドイツではBA.1やデルタ株再増加の兆候が見られます。 (8/29→9/12→ 9/26) BA.1: 0.00%→0.05%→0.16% Delta: 0.00%→0.08%→0.19% twitter.com/tak53381102/st… pic.twitter.com/weOcPLCLkS

posted at 13:59:41

RT @nhk_news: 超高層ビル揺らす「長周期地震動」 来年2月から速報 気象庁 #nhk_news www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2022…

posted at 13:59:31

RT @Reuters: Japan's foreign reserves drop by record on market shakeout, FX intervention reut.rs/3MkVVDu pic.twitter.com/RHIJRUnlwz

posted at 13:59:00

RT @tbsnewsdig: / 赤なのに「進め」? 不思議な信号機~ 魔の交差点に設置したら事故が“激減”した \ twitter.com/i/events/15707… 赤信号にも関わらず下の青い矢印が全て点灯する信号機が福岡県北九州市にある。矢印が出ているので、すべての方向に車が進んでいいという表示だ #newsdig #tbsnewsdig

posted at 13:56:49

RT @abcnews: 'The prospect of Armageddon': Biden says Putin's nuclear weapons threat is the biggest risk since Cuban missile crisis www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-0…

posted at 13:56:34

RT @abcnews: Two Russians flee to Alaska in small boat to escape Putin's conscription www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-0…

posted at 13:56:14

RT @business: Today, 74% of the US population has access to some form of legal marijuana. Here's how that has changed America, for better and worse trib.al/OUTgI6A

posted at 04:16:01

RT @CBSNews: The shift comes as federal health officials are bracing for a renewed wave of COVID-19 infections this fall and winter. cbsn.ws/3yqdFYb

posted at 04:15:37

RT @DailySabah: LIVE — Erdoğan: As long as terrorists are in Swedish parliament, protesting in Sweden's streets, Türkiye's view on country's NATO bid will not be "positive"

posted at 04:15:17

RT @DailySabah: LIVE — Erdoğan: (On Syrian migrants) Türkiye could meet with leader of Syrian regime when time is right

posted at 04:15:05

RT @DailySabah: LIVE — "Nothing to talk about with Greece now," Erdoğan says, accusing Greek PM Mitsotakis of insincerity and seeking help from third countries

posted at 04:14:57

RT @DailySabah: LIVE — Erdoğan: European Political Community not alternative to EU enlargement policy, Türkiye will never accept any disruptions to its accession talks

posted at 04:14:49

RT @DailySabah: LIVE — Erdoğan: Black Sea grain corridor, Russia-Ukraine prisoner swap are diplomatic successes for Türkiye despite all difficulties; Russian fertilizers should be supplied to countries in need via Türkiye

posted at 04:14:37

RT @DailySabah: LIVE — Erdoğan: All challenges show Türkiye is "key country" for EU, European continent

posted at 04:14:25

RT @DailySabah: LIVE — President Erdoğan: Türkiye, Armenia can achieve full normalization on basis of good neighborly relations in region www.dailysabah.com/politics/diplo…

posted at 04:14:14

RT @DSarabic: #عاجل | أردوغان حول لقائه مع رئيس وزراء أرمينيا: أؤمن من قلبي بإمكانية تحقيق هدفنا المتمثل في التطبيع الكامل على أساس علاقات حسن الجوار (مؤتمر صحفي)

posted at 04:13:50

RT @DSarabic: #عاجل | أردوغان: أكدنا أننا لن نقبل أبدا أن تضر منصة "المجتمع السياسي الأوروبي" بمسار عضوية تركيا في الاتحاد الأوروبي sabahdai.ly/kzfc7r

posted at 04:13:39

RT @NBCNews: Biden says he will also encourage state governors to take similar action with state offenses and will ask HHS and the Justice Dept. to review how marijuana is scheduled under federal law.

posted at 04:13:13

RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: President Biden says he will take executive action to pardon all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession. nbcnews.to/3MgLSz5

posted at 04:13:03

RT @CNBC: U.S. will screen people arriving from Uganda for Ebola as East African nation battles outbreak cnb.cx/3ykUZsI

posted at 04:12:27

RT @CNNPolitics: BREAKING: President Biden will pardon all federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana in first major steps toward decriminalization cnn.it/3RGm8xo

posted at 04:12:01

RT @AP: President Joe Biden is pardoning thousands of Americans convicted of “simple possession” of marijuana, as his administration takes steps toward decriminalizing the drug and addressing charging practices that disproportionately impact people of color. apnews.com/article/biden-…

posted at 04:11:47

RT @business: BREAKING: President Biden is pardoning thousands of Americans convicted of “simple possession” of marijuana trib.al/O7nHI19 pic.twitter.com/Eg7STrAArd

posted at 04:11:33

RT @AFP: #BREAKING Musk says Twitter has refused to suspend litigation on buyout pic.twitter.com/MdsyyrxmJA

posted at 04:11:20

RT @nprpolitics: Biden is also asking Health and Human Services and the Justice Department to review how marijuana is scheduled under federal law.

posted at 04:11:08

RT @nprpolitics: Most convictions, however happen at the state level. Biden is also urging all governors to take similar action in their states.

posted at 04:11:03

RT @nprpolitics: JUST IN: President Biden is taking executive action to pardon people convicted of simple marijuana possession under federal law and DC statute. More than 6,500 people were convicted of simple possession between 1992 and 2021 under federal law, and thousands more under DC code.

posted at 04:10:55

RT @DailyMail: Biden to PARDON all federal cases of 'simple' marijuana possession trib.al/2G3cVat

posted at 04:10:22

RT @latimes: Breaking: President Biden announced that he will pardon all individuals convicted on federal marijuana possession charges, a move that the White House estimated would affect more than 6,500 people. www.latimes.com/politics/story…

posted at 04:10:16

RT @TheEconomist: Slow-moving hurricanes like Ian exact an especially harmful toll, because they produce a double-whammy of water: long-lasting rainfall and a storm surge econ.st/3SISBnE

posted at 04:09:38

RT @trtworld: The US decision to deploy the USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier to the North Atlantic region sends a direct message toward Russia, according to experts www.trtworld.com/magazine/why-i…

posted at 04:08:09

RT @CTVNews: The Guinness book of world records says a Michigan cat is the tallest living domestic cat in the world, measuring at 18.8 inches tall. www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2… pic.twitter.com/47ZKHjsAFY

posted at 04:06:31

RT @ChannelNewsAsia: A 'cataclysmic' celestial couple gone wrong - a star eats its mate cna.asia/3efuTAH pic.twitter.com/vfvWp6xTKR

posted at 04:06:01

RT @sfchronicle: With the arrival of the fall and winter seasons, experts are monitoring a new crop of coronavirus subvariants that they say could drive the next COVID-19 surge. Here’s what you need to know: trib.al/gboCdwF

posted at 04:01:45

RT @sfchronicle: What's with these speed bumps? The circular black streaks underneath them are a big clue. trib.al/1KHv3YW

posted at 04:01:08

RT @sfchronicle: The bivalent booster vaccine produced by Moderna targeting BA.4 and BA.5 “elicited neutralizing antibody responses against omicron that were superior” to those with the original vaccine against COVID, “without evident safety concerns,” according to data. trib.al/mwiEyWC

posted at 03:59:36

RT @sfchronicle: Results from a small federal study funded by the National Institutes of Health show that Paxlovid does not cause rebound infections. trib.al/tNjWaZv

posted at 03:58:08

RT @Reuters: COVID wave looms in Europe as booster campaign makes slow start reut.rs/3CByy5i pic.twitter.com/rV4gFep1vQ

posted at 03:56:40

RT @washingtonpost: Ian is gone, but problems for Florida’s waterways are just beginning wapo.st/3SGrlGJ

posted at 03:54:49

RT @Newsweek: The chances Moscow will use a nuclear weapon are small, but it could happen if Vladimir Putin feels cornered in Ukraine. www.newsweek.com/russia-nuclear…

posted at 03:54:37

RT @sfchronicle: Results from city-by-city surveys conducted earlier this year found the number of people without homes is up overall compared with 2020 in areas reporting results so far, according to a report published Oct. 6 by the Associated Press. trib.al/fCHL1Ps

posted at 03:54:19

RT @TRTWorldNow: Türkiye’s President Erdogan arrives in Czech Republic for European Political Community Meeting, welcomed by Turkish community living there pic.twitter.com/E0kR8xL8V7

posted at 03:52:30

RT @Hachisoto802: 🎊八王子市様のイベント情報です❗️ 📖八王子古本まつり開催❗️ ○10月7日から11日 ○JR八王子駅北口西放射線ユーロード 👨‍💼会場案内のお知らせです。⬇️ 👨‍💼八王子 #八王子古本まつり #八王子市 pic.twitter.com/bBavK78DUJ

posted at 03:42:05

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