Channel: 野嵜健秀/NOZAKI Takehide(@nozakitakehide) - Twilog
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RT @ArabNewsjp: ロシアが支援するウクライナの分離主義者に捕らえられ、死刑執行に直面しているモロッコ人の父親が27日、息子を銃殺隊による処刑から救うために「父親として」介入してほしい、とロシアのウラジーミル・プーチン大統領に訴えた。 arab.news/2hfnh

posted at 23:37:28

RT @GlobalBC: Victoria is celebrating the year of the tiger with a new zodiac crosswalk at one of the entrances to Chinatown. pic.twitter.com/7MwVWFjM48

posted at 23:37:08

RT @afpbbcom: プーチン氏、G20対面出席の意向 ロシア大統領府 www.afpbb.com/articles/-/341…

posted at 23:36:41

RT @TheSun: UK monkeypox cases hit 1,000 as health officials tell infected 'stay at home' www.thesun.co.uk/health/1902703… pic.twitter.com/W18875DGiW

posted at 23:36:01

RT @EricTopol: The BA.5 variant is now 37% of Covid cases in the US, and the BA.4/5 combo has now overtaken BA.2.12.1 to become dominant covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tra… twitter.com/EricTopol/stat… pic.twitter.com/K6FuxPaxP2

posted at 23:34:57

RT @ArabNewsjp: #Japan will host the 2023 Group of Seven (#G7) summit in #Hiroshima on May 19-21, Prime Minister @kishida230 said Tuesday. arab.news/yg3za

posted at 23:34:45

RT @afpbbcom: 101歳の元ナチス看守に禁錮5年、収容者殺害ほう助で 独www.afpbb.com/articles/-/341…

posted at 23:34:19


posted at 23:26:57


posted at 23:26:38


posted at 23:25:31


posted at 23:17:08


posted at 23:07:12


posted at 23:05:44


posted at 23:03:35


posted at 13:32:29


posted at 13:31:50

RT @nhk_news: 屋外でマスク着用 必要ない場合を周知へ “熱中症注意”厚労相 #nhk_news www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2022…

posted at 13:31:16

@ReutersJapan みんな原発は重要と思つてゐるんだが現実問題として今すぐには稼働させられないので困つてゐるのだ

posted at 13:30:50

RT @ReutersJapan: 節電協力呼び掛け、電力供給確保に原発は重要=萩生田経産相 reut.rs/3QTfzrN

posted at 13:30:27


posted at 13:29:49


posted at 13:29:15

@santarou98 いやさかいやさか

posted at 13:28:22

RT @le_Parisien: Aujourd'hui dans l'actu : • le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU se réunit ce mardi pour évoquer les bombardements civils • au moins 16 morts et 59 blessés dans la frappe par un missile russe d'un centre commercial «très fréquenté» Notre direct ⤵ l.leparisien.fr/H3d7

posted at 13:27:51


posted at 13:27:36

どうも我々ロスジェネ世代の辺でいっぺん破綻をきたして、その後さすがにヤバいと云ふ事で何らかの対策がとられると思はれるが、要するに割を喰ふのは毎度おなじみ我々ロスジェネ twitter.com/gerogeroR/stat…

posted at 13:27:14

RT @gerogeroR: 実は社会保障費の補填に一般会計が使われてたりする・・・。 www.mof.go.jp/zaisei/aging-s… twitter.com/shingoshinya/s… pic.twitter.com/ZrtthIlfIF

posted at 13:26:29

RT @gerogeroR: 「よく消費税が増えてるのに年金とかカットされてるじゃないか!!!」というのは錯覚で、悲しいことに老人人口が増えすぎて、社会保障費はどんどん増えてるけど「一人頭に回る金」がどんどん減ってるのだ・・・・。 全体ではすさまじく増えてるのだ。

posted at 13:26:10

RT @gerogeroR: 税金は大筋は使途公開されてますよ。一般会計、特別会計含めてもちろん怪しい金はあるだろうけど、何十兆円も消えたり消費税の大半が使途不明でわからないわけではない・・・。 twitter.com/GNochinchin/st…

posted at 13:25:49

RT @OlafGersemann: In #SchleswigHolstein haben schon 6 der 15 Stadt- und Landkreise eine #Corona-Inzidenz von mehr als 1000. In #Niedersachsen sind es 13 von 45. @welt pic.twitter.com/SnSsiwmxYI

posted at 13:25:05

RT @Reuters: U.S. says Taiwan Strait flight shows commitment to open Indo-Pacific reut.rs/3Oq0FI0 pic.twitter.com/jrSP5HtsZB

posted at 13:24:43

@santarou98 自転車「人間を増やしたい」

posted at 13:24:29


posted at 13:23:55

RT @news24ntv: 西日本~東日本で危険な暑さ 各地で梅雨明け発表…いずれも6月は初 #日テレNEWS news.ntv.co.jp/category/socie…

posted at 13:23:39

RT @nhk_shutoken: 東京電力管内の電力使用率92%(午後0時半〜午後1時) #首都圏NEWSWEB www3.nhk.or.jp/shutoken-news/…

posted at 13:23:36

RT @FT: Code red: China’s Covid health apps govern life but are ripe for abuse on.ft.com/3HUDVO2

posted at 13:23:30

RT @NBCNews: FDA advisory committee will convene Tuesday to review and vote on potential changes to the vaccines for the fall. nbcnews.to/3QSv6YT

posted at 06:31:11

RT @MirrorWorldNews: Brave breastfeeding mum tackles bald eagle in incredible effort save pet goose www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-new… pic.twitter.com/EkYKPqsA6a

posted at 05:28:32

RT @nypost: Russia's Sergei Shoigu reportedly visits Ukraine war zone trib.al/Qq6HEmS pic.twitter.com/cDLZxklXM0

posted at 05:28:05

RT @BNNIN: BREAKING: A building collapsed in Kurla Mumbai , 50 people are stuck in the debris @mybmc #buildingcollapsed rescue operation is onn.

posted at 05:27:50

RT @nypost: You can smell this cancer symptom — plus 10 other signs not to ignore trib.al/OzJDp33 pic.twitter.com/LP3Kua639z

posted at 05:17:30

RT @CTVNews: WHO adviser says G7 leaders must show strong initiative to end COVID-19 pandemic www.ctvnews.ca/world/who-advi… pic.twitter.com/I6mKauMQMr

posted at 05:16:29

RT @BusinessInsider: "A good pillow is absolutely a top priority," said Rebecca Robbins, sleep researcher, author, and instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School and associate scientist at the Brigham and Women's Hospital. trib.al/7NnixKy

posted at 05:16:12

RT @sfchronicle: Contra Costa County officials released the names of the three people killed after an Amtrak train hit their car on Sunday. The collision occurred in a rural area without rail guards or signals at a railroad crossing where trains travel at 80 mph. trib.al/ULsLzIX

posted at 05:15:47

RT @afpbbcom: リトアニアにサイバー攻撃 ロシアの犯行かwww.afpbb.com/articles/-/341…

posted at 05:15:25

RT @jijimedical: 心血管疾患・がん予防サプリ、また推奨せず 米国予防医学専門委員会(USPSTF)は、心血管疾患やがんの予防を目的としたビタミン、ミネラル、マルチビタミンのサプリメント摂取について2014年に発表した勧告を改訂するため、新たなエビデンスを評価した。… medical.jiji.com/news/52987

posted at 05:15:14

RT @BNNBreaking: BREAKING: An Amtrak train carrying 243 passengers from Los Angeles to Chicago derailed in rural Missouri on Monday afternoon after colliding with a dump truck at a public crossing. pic.twitter.com/JZcBARIcYJ

posted at 05:14:58

RT @DailyMailUK: Russian missiles hit Ukrainian shopping mall filled with 1,000 civilians trib.al/DxWHQlh

posted at 05:14:44

RT @MailOnline: 'Biblical' swarm of two-inch-long insects descend on Oregon trib.al/zNcZXT8

posted at 05:13:08

RT @Telegraph: 🔴 Nato is set to massively increase its available forces on high alert to more than 300,000 troops in the most significant overhaul of the alliance’s defence strategy since the Cold War www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202…

posted at 05:12:37

RT @tbsnewsdig: 日米 ロシアへの新制裁を協議 岸田総理 バイデン氏と会談 dlvr.it/SSxbdN

posted at 05:11:44

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