RT @business: The US deal with the Taliban — forged under Donald Trump and implemented under Joe Biden — was “the single most important factor” in the rapid collapse of Afghanistan’s forces as American troops withdrew last year, an interim report said trib.al/r4Cm5ha
posted at 11:36:25
RT @Reuters: U.S. calls for Taiwan's inclusion at upcoming WHO assembly reut.rs/3sH6p7y pic.twitter.com/h9wM01He3J
posted at 11:36:02
RT @ReutersWorld: North Korean leader Kim slams officials' 'immature' response amid COVID outbreak reut.rs/3PrYx3k pic.twitter.com/fPcgB566BM
posted at 11:35:25
RT @jijicom: 「侮辱罪」厳罰化法案可決 ネット中傷対策―衆院委 www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2…
posted at 11:34:44
RT @AJEnglish: Japan’s economy shrinks as COVID-19 curbs hit the service sector, and the Ukraine war and surging commodity prices created new headaches for consumers and businesses ⤵️ aje.io/ydpd7r
posted at 11:34:37
@muhonnocream ロックだ
posted at 11:34:06
RT @ReutersJapan: 新型コロナ感染が爆発的に拡大している北朝鮮は、医薬品不足とも闘っている。 pic.twitter.com/foASOmL7Wb
posted at 11:33:57
RT @ReutersJapan: 米議会、50年ぶりにUFOについての公聴会 pic.twitter.com/OxenePcbH9
posted at 11:33:48
RT @Yomiuri_Online: 北朝鮮、2~4日以内にICBM発射か…バイデン氏の韓国訪問に合わせて www.yomiuri.co.jp/world/20220518… #国際
posted at 11:33:28
RT @abcnews: Spike in COVID-19 and flu outbreaks leaves some schools having to return to remote learning www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-1…
posted at 11:33:11
RT @abcnews: The latest COVID-19 case numbers from around the states and territories www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-1…
posted at 11:33:07
RT @jijicom: 北朝鮮技術者、日本のアプリ開発か 知人らを書類送検―神奈川県警 www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2…
posted at 11:32:56
RT @medriva: BREAKING: U.S. reporting more than 100,000 new COVID-19 cases a day on average, highest since February
posted at 11:32:52
RT @tbsnewsdig: 金正恩氏政府のコロナ対応を批判 新たに23万人発熱 dlvr.it/SQZCJW
posted at 11:32:40
RT @bbcnewsjapan: BBCニュース - イギリス、対EU通商協定を変更する国内法案を発表 貿易戦争の可能性も www.bbc.com/japanese/61488…
posted at 11:32:33
RT @news24ntv: 北朝鮮重要会議「感染状況は好転」金総書記ら出席者はマスク着用せず #日テレNEWS news.ntv.co.jp/category/inter…
posted at 11:32:24
RT @Reuters: Prominent hedge funds invested in Twitter before Musk unveiled plans reut.rs/38tuU1b pic.twitter.com/DxkxDrYykh
posted at 11:31:24
RT @medriva: Number of Americans hospitalized with COVID-19 tops 23,000, highest since March charts.medriva.com/us
posted at 11:31:06
RT @news24ntv: NYで感染者数増加…感染リスク「高い」に一段階引き上げ #日テレNEWS news.ntv.co.jp/category/inter…
posted at 11:31:00
RT @business: Twitter’s board said it plans to enforce its $44 billion agreement to be bought by Elon Musk, saying the transaction is in the best interest of all shareholders trib.al/vITM8Rl
posted at 11:26:07
RT @sagamihara_kiki: 【Jアラート試験放送】本日、午前11時頃から、ひばり放送で全国瞬時警報システム(Jアラート)の試験放送を実施しています。ただいま、試験放送された内容は次のとおりです。「これは、Jアラートのテストです。こちらは、防災さがみはらです。」 #相模原市 #Jアラート #試験放送
posted at 11:24:01
RT @ReutersJapan: 仏、ウクライナへの兵器供給加速化へ 首脳が電話会談 reut.rs/3No4UTo
posted at 11:23:33
@muhonnocream PCで聽く
posted at 11:21:54
RT @jijicom: 【速報】 北朝鮮のIT技術者が、知人の名義を使って日本でスマートフォンアプリの開発業務を請け負っていた疑いがあり、神奈川県警は知人らを銀行法違反(無免許営業)容疑などで書類送検した www.jiji.com
posted at 11:21:30
RT @news24ntv: 北朝鮮“148万人”発熱…新型コロナ対応に“赤い防護服”の「非常防疫隊」も投入 #日テレNEWS news.ntv.co.jp/category/inter…
posted at 00:46:39
RT @AFP: #UPDATE Billionaire Elon Musk said on Tuesday that his purchase of Twitter would not go ahead unless he was given assurances on the bots he says plague the platform, further complicating his acrimonious bid for the social media giant u.afp.com/w6rc pic.twitter.com/LUkc13Hdjr
posted at 00:46:22
RT @MailOnline: Russian lawmaker calls for hero defenders of Mariupol to be EXECUTED trib.al/0GpUWhy
posted at 00:45:55
RT @ReutersUS: U.S. FDA clears Pfizer's COVID booster shot for young children reut.rs/3lhhTKH pic.twitter.com/BzaSbBlYSp
posted at 00:44:55
RT @BloombergJapan: NY市、コロナ感染警戒レベル「高い」に引き上げ-マスク着用を促す trib.al/Nqnswyf
posted at 00:44:46
RT @Yomiuri_Online: 中国系移民の男が教会で銃乱射、台湾系住民ら6人死傷…台湾人への憎悪示すメモ発見 www.yomiuri.co.jp/world/20220517… #国際
posted at 00:26:25
RT @DailyMirror: UK records hottest day of the year so far with sizzling highs hotter than Greece www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/b… pic.twitter.com/M7GSgTLe36
posted at 00:21:42
@guruushi_book1 八王子店も屋内でやつてくれればいいんだがな詰め放題
posted at 00:20:48