RT @ReutersJapan: チェルノブイリ原発、放射能監視システム機能不全=ウクライナ当局 bit.ly/3tu1Ez4
posted at 23:59:05
RT @11uk3w: 佐藤優が外務省でバリバリやってたのは当時の外務省のひとたちが全員白痴で佐藤優の本質を見抜けなかったというのは流石にありえないので現役時代は本当にちゃんとエリツィン周辺に詳しかったんだろうと思う。在野の物書きになってからはあれは読むほうが悪い。
posted at 23:58:35
RT @Reuters: Boeing, suppliers' shares fall after 737 plane crashes in Southern China reut.rs/3qnVvCu pic.twitter.com/2S2flyVbTM
posted at 23:57:55
RT @VancouverSun: AstraZeneca COVID drug neutralizes Omicron sub-variants in lab study vancouversun.com/news/world/ast…
posted at 23:55:29
RT @franceinfo: DIRECT 🔴 Guerre en Ukraine : "Le peuple qui défend le pays" est "notre véritable force", déclare Zelensky dans une interview à l'UER, dont France Télévisions. Suivez le live ⤵ www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/europe/m… pic.twitter.com/4SyziVZTqE
posted at 23:54:59
RT @AFP: #BREAKING Ukraine foreign minister calls on China to play 'important role' in efforts to resolve conflict between Kyiv and Moscow pic.twitter.com/kKPp8A76H8
posted at 23:54:29
RT @Small_TP1: 今回の戦争を自由世界vs.プーチンだと捉えているのでウクライナとロシアという国民国家間の戦争だと捉えた上で葛藤してる人(護憲左派に多いようだが)を見ると何を悩んでいるのか正直よくわからない
posted at 23:52:24
RT @Forbes: Ukraine’s Drones Are Wreaking Havoc On The Russian Army www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe… pic.twitter.com/xsUgej1CZb
posted at 23:50:18
RT @business: FDA advisers will meet early next month to discuss the use of additional Covid-19 booster shots trib.al/8BjilmV
posted at 23:48:21
RT @MirrorBreaking_: Number of people in hospitals with Covid in Scotland reaches highest level ever www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/b… pic.twitter.com/6C8nlAJRS6
posted at 23:48:05
RT @BFMTV: 🔴 EN DIRECT Moscou accuse Biden d'avoir conduit les relations russo-américaines "au bord de la rupture" www.bfmtv.com/international/… pic.twitter.com/EnsEmHTBCd
posted at 23:47:41
RT @derspiegel: Was hat Corona mit uns gemacht? Wann begann die Spaltung der Gesellschaft? Und wie kam der Hass in manche Köpfe? Antworten darauf geben Politiker, Verfassungsschützer, Mediziner und Virologen in einer SPIEGEL-TV-Doku. www.spiegel.de/panorama/gesel…
posted at 23:47:24
RT @khaleejtimes: Move is part of sweeping efforts by Moscow to crack down on social media amid its military action in pro-Western Ukraine www.khaleejtimes.com/world/russia-u…
posted at 23:47:11
RT @CTVNews: Samoa detects scores of COVID-19 cases within days of outbreak www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronav… pic.twitter.com/kWEBqRP5ck
posted at 23:46:47
RT @France24_fr: @JonWalshF24 @ProenglishT @BilalTarabey @gullivercragg Alors que l’#Ukraine refuse de capituler, quel est l’état d’esprit des habitants de #Marioupol ? “Certains ont peur que si [la ville] arrive à rester aux mains des Ukrainiens”, il y ait “beaucoup de colère et d’insatisfactions” envers l’Ukraine, rapporte @gullivercragg ⤵️ pic.twitter.com/TSSjuGVilf
posted at 23:44:38
RT @France24_fr: @JonWalshF24 @ProenglishT @BilalTarabey @gullivercragg Selon la propagande russe, l’#Ukraine serait aujourd'hui aux mains de mouvements nationalistes. Très minoritaires, ils forment les volontaires de la Défense territoriale ukrainienne. Reportage de @JonWalshF24 et @JamesAndreF24 ⤵️ twitter.com/France24_fr/st…
posted at 23:44:13
RT @Telegraph: 🔴Russian troops open fire on protesters in occupied city of Kherson. Video footage shared on social media shows protesters running from the city’s Freedom Square, where Kremlin forces are reported to have opened fire and thrown stun grenades at crowds www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202… pic.twitter.com/XYpFbfTV6s
posted at 23:42:49
RT @VancouverSun: Zelensky criticizes Israeli neutrality, likens Russian attack to Hitler’s 'final solution' vancouversun.com/news/world/zel…
posted at 23:42:11
RT @ReutersWorld: Hong Kong to ease strict COVID curbs after business backlash reut.rs/3uywJRx pic.twitter.com/HZ6oY8HoOG
posted at 23:41:58
RT @news24ntv: 停戦協議“難航” ゼレンスキー氏「失敗すれば、第3次世界大戦を意味」 #日テレNEWS news.ntv.co.jp/articles/a3094…
posted at 23:41:41
RT @FAZ_NET: Corona: Jüngste Corona-Wellen lassen 383 Millionen Arbeitsstunden ausfallen www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtsc…
posted at 23:41:27
RT @business: A Moscow court banned Meta's Facebook and Instagram in Russia Monday, in what was the first use of the country’s sweeping law on “extremism” on a foreign technology company trib.al/MCLkhY1
posted at 23:40:33
RT @AFP: #BREAKING President Biden has put US-Russia ties 'on the verge of rupture': Moscow pic.twitter.com/tSDBnkXXhS
posted at 23:39:43
RT @Independent: Russian foreign ministry summons US ambassador to warn Kremlin is on the verge of severing ties www.independent.co.uk/news/world/ame…
posted at 23:39:12
RT @tbs_news: / 中国から北朝鮮へ「ブドウ糖」や小麦粉の輸出拡大 \ news.tbs.co.jp/newseye/tbs_ne… 中国当局が発表した今年1月と2月の貿易統計で、中国から北朝鮮へ小麦粉などの輸出が増加していることが分かりました。
posted at 23:38:24
RT @TRTWorldNow: In pictures: At least six dead and dozens missing after a bulk carrier crashes into a small ferry in a river near Bangladesh's capital pic.twitter.com/ENDVmekZrH
posted at 23:37:55
RT @afpbbcom: ミケランジェロの「ピエタ」 3作品が初めて一堂に 伊 会期は8月1日まで。映像は2月23日撮影。 pic.twitter.com/2StMUObwkc
posted at 23:37:10
RT @Daily_Express: #Putin sends horror warning: Rocket 'that can carry nukes' used on NATO's border #NATO #kinzhal #hypersonic #UkraineRussiaWar www.express.co.uk/news/world/158…
posted at 23:36:54
RT @SZ: Mario N. soll an einer Tankstelle in Idar-Oberstein einen Kassierer getötet haben, weil der ihn auf die Corona-Regeln hingewiesen hat. Im Prozess geht es auch um die Frage: Welche Rolle spielte die Szene der Virusleugner? @maxferstl berichtet. #SZPlus sz.de/1.5551859?utm_…
posted at 23:35:29
RT @Independent: Who is eligible for a fourth Covid-19 booster jab and how to book ⬇️ www.independent.co.uk/life-style/hea…
posted at 23:34:39
RT @nypost: China's military buildup on South China Sea islands threatens region: US commander trib.al/ndcgjTb pic.twitter.com/0dbuQxUH4w
posted at 23:34:21
RT @jijicom: ロヒンギャ迫害は集団虐殺 米認定、ミャンマー国軍に圧力 www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2…
posted at 23:33:59
ル・パリジャン報 フェイスブックとインスタグラムが「過激主義」を理由にロシアで禁止された twitter.com/le_Parisien/st…
posted at 23:33:23
RT @le_Parisien: DIRECT UKRAINE | Facebook et Instagram interdits en Russie pour «extrémisme» #Ukraine ➡️ l.leparisien.fr/pZlE pic.twitter.com/6VpfVUmNXa
posted at 23:31:58
RT @EveningStandard: BREAKING - The number of people in hospital with coronavirus in Scotland has reached its highest total ever since the start of the pandemic bit.ly/3wpikcz
posted at 23:31:22
RT @globalnewsto: Ontario is reporting 551 people in hospital with COVID on Monday with 181 in intensive care units. The province also added four more virus-related deaths. trib.al/81RIdQh
posted at 23:30:47
RT @akhbarelyom: #الأمم_المتحدة: العدالة التعويضية لها أهمية حاسمة في تحقيق المساواة bityl.co/BPlE pic.twitter.com/Fwd2jnyXvk
posted at 23:30:35
RT @AlAhram: وزيرة الخارجية الألمانية: الاتحاد الأوروبي سيخصص مليار يورو لأوكرانيا لشراء الأسلحة gate.ahram.org.eg/News/3449522.a…
posted at 23:30:26
RT @ReutersJapan: キエフのショッピングセンターに爆撃、8人死亡 外出禁止令強化 bit.ly/3CYKJYo
posted at 23:30:12
RT @BFMTV: Covid-19: plus de 82.000 cas détectés chaque jour en moyenne pic.twitter.com/4IsYJiKxwO
posted at 23:29:29
posted at 21:21:20
posted at 21:20:48
>なぜマウリポリ市民とゼレンスキー政権幹部や国会議員とを入れ替える交渉をしないのか 入替へたら何うなるか考へたらいい。
posted at 21:20:07
結局ハシシタなんかも独裁者に宥和的になつてしまふんでね twitter.com/hashimoto_lo/s…
posted at 21:19:27
WELT「台湾と戦争しない方がいい」 twitter.com/welt/status/15…
posted at 21:12:29
RT @welt: „Führen Sie lieber keinen Krieg gegen Taiwan“ to.welt.de/9uWAYF8 pic.twitter.com/IdyRvNmY8v
posted at 21:11:29
安倍さんはネトウヨから熱狂的に支持されたが、総理大臣をやつてゐる間の外交では、アメリカと日本は価値観を共有する、としきりに強調してゐた。 twitter.com/gerogeroR/stat…
posted at 21:07:45