RT @jeune_afrique: #Santé : 300 millions. C'est le nombre de doses de vaccin anti-Covid mises à disposition via le programme Covax qui n'ont toujours pas trouvé preneurs parmi les pays éligibles. #COVAX #Covid www.jeuneafrique.com/1317617/econom…
posted at 23:07:53
RT @NBCNewsNow: The West imposes sanctions on Russia after President Putin orders troops to separatist-held areas of Eastern Ukraine. Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, William Taylor joins #MorningNewsNow. nbcnews.com/NOW pic.twitter.com/25TZpdDwOk
posted at 23:06:42
RT @akhbarelyom: مواقف طريفة .. زرافة تداعب رضيعا في حديقة حيوان أمريكية | فيديو bit.ly/36Bfp5V pic.twitter.com/bBeDBaomDM
posted at 23:04:08
RT @DailySabah: Turkish forces initiate new counterterrorism operation consisting of 870 security personnel in Elazığ, eastern Turkey www.dailysabah.com/politics/turke…
posted at 23:03:19
RT @AfpFactuel: 📝 Ils soulignent que les données recueillies, lors des essais cliniques et en vie réelle sur des milliards d'injections, montrent, au contraire, un effet protecteur du vaccin contre les formes sévères de la maladie, y compris sur les variants ⬇️ #AFP 4/4 u.afp.com/wM8u
posted at 23:02:44
RT @AfpFactuel: ➡️ Mais ce cas de figure, scruté au moment de la conception des vaccins contre le #Covid, n'a pas été observé à ce jour, selon les scientifiques interrogés par l'#AFP 3/4 pic.twitter.com/Kv4JX2suTG
posted at 23:02:27
RT @AfpFactuel: 🔬 Ce mécanisme immunologique, rare et complexe, a été observé notamment pour la dengue : au lieu de combattre l'infection, les anticorps font parfois l'inverse et facilitent, voire aggravent, la maladie en cas d'infection future #AFP 2/4 pic.twitter.com/beNJVeRXIv
posted at 23:02:23
AFPファクトチェック。「新型コロナウイルスのワクチンを打つと却つて感染しやすくなる」なる主張が流布されてゐるが、根拠なし。 twitter.com/AfpFactuel/sta…
posted at 23:01:30
RT @AfpFactuel: [THREAD] 🧵 💬 Le professeur Didier #Raoult assure que la vaccination anti-Covid pourrait augmenter le risque d'infection au Covid par le biais "d'anticorps facilitants" ⚠️ Cette affirmation est infondée, selon les experts interrogés par l'#AFP ⬇️ 1/4 pic.twitter.com/qbdHEhYJ8Q
posted at 23:00:22
RT @AfpFactuel: Le nouveau règlement européen sur les essais cliniques applicable aux vaccins anti-covid ? ❌Une fois autorisés par l'EMA, les vaccins ne sont plus considérés comme étant "expérimentaux", ont expliqué la Commission et plusieurs experts à l'AFP factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32…
posted at 22:59:30
AFPファクトチェック。「従来のmRNAワクチンはオミクロン株には全く効かない」なる情報が拡散されてゐるが、誤である。 twitter.com/AfpFactuel/sta…
posted at 22:55:58
RT @AfpFactuel: Anticorps monoclonaux et ARN messager, les imprécisions d'une vidéo sur le variant Omicron ➡️ u.afp.com/wMyu #AFP pic.twitter.com/DbgiGPbvaZ
posted at 22:52:51
RT @AfpFactuel: Les immunologues expliquent qu'un spermatozoïde ne peut en aucun cas interagir avec l'ARN messager, injecté dans le muscle de l'épaule, et se retrouver porteur de la protéine spike vaccinale ✍️ Nos explications ⬇️ #AFP u.afp.com/wQmt
posted at 22:51:25
RT @AfpFactuel: 🗨️ Un médecin luxembourgeois soutient que la protéine "spike" produite par l'organisme après une injection de vaccin anti-Covid à ARN messager serait "sexuellement transmissible" ❌ C'est faux, réfutent trois spécialistes interrogés par l'#AFP 1/2 pic.twitter.com/jvajruJao3
posted at 22:51:10
RT @trtworld: US asked its ally Doha to divert gas to Europe if Russia cuts or slows supplies over the Ukraine crisis. But Qatar, also courted by Putin, insists there are no extra reserves unless other customers agree to give up their share. Here’s how Qatari gas can potentially reach Europe: pic.twitter.com/nz76IceEal
posted at 22:47:47
RT @trtworld: German Chancellor Scholz has halted Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project – designed to bring Russian gas to Europe – as part of a Western sanctions package after Moscow recognised two breakaway regions in east Ukraine. We look at Nord Stream 2's pathway: trt.world/5srb pic.twitter.com/7aqmj6AnTi
posted at 22:47:40
RT @nhk_news: 韓国 新型コロナ新規感染者17万人余に 過去最多 #nhk_news www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2022…
posted at 22:47:02
RT @Yomiuri_Online: 「戦争反対」「プーチンを止めろ」、日本に住むウクライナ人が抗議活動 www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/20220… #社会
posted at 22:46:47
RT @CBSNews: Ukraine has called up reservists amid escalating violence in the country's east. The National Security Council has also asked lawmakers to approve a national state of emergency, which would give authorities more powers to strengthen public security. cbsn.ws/3p90MND pic.twitter.com/CgjX8WUpaS
posted at 22:46:37
ロシアの所謂安全保障上の要求によれば、1997年の段階にまでNATOを縮小させ、旧ソ連時代のラインにまで影響力を行使できる範囲を拡大したいと、さう云ふ事になると、説明してゐる twitter.com/trtworld/statu…
posted at 22:45:47
RT @trtworld: Russia’s self-proclaimed security demands essentially require NATO to scale back to 1997 positions, allowing Moscow to increase its sphere of influence along Soviet-era lines. Here’s how that would affect the alliance: pic.twitter.com/sApCIokJJK
posted at 22:40:55
トルコにしてみれば、周囲をがっつりロシアに囲まれてゐる、つて感覚だから、危機感を覚えるのも当然 twitter.com/trtworld/statu…
posted at 22:40:44
RT @trtworld: Russia says its recognition of independence for regions in eastern Ukraine extends to “borders that existed when [separatist groups] proclaimed” their independence in 2014 – essentially territory governed by Ukraine’s government. We look at where things stand in Donbass: pic.twitter.com/bFBkpDpr50
posted at 22:39:28
RT @trtworld: Despite Ukraine declaring independence from Moscow in 1991, Russia has tried to keep Kiev under its influence in the face of its new alliances with the West. Here’s a timeline of Russian attempts of trying to control the former Soviet state: pic.twitter.com/lrPrOTgLfT
posted at 22:39:03
RT @trtworld: Since the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Russia has been involved in a string of conflicts in which Moscow stands accused of violating international laws and supporting or perpetrating war crimes. A look at Russian war involvement, in maps and graphs 👇 pic.twitter.com/qBIbZjv95b
posted at 22:38:48
RT @le_Parisien: DIRECT | Ce mardi, Joe Biden a annoncé couper les financements occidentaux de la dette russe #Ukraine Il y aura une riposte «forte» et «douloureuse» aux sanctions américaines promet Moscou ➡️ l.leparisien.fr/Zzj7 pic.twitter.com/aCWYIASgbW
posted at 22:37:44
RT @le_Parisien: DIRECT | «Poutine piétine le droit international», selon Gabriel Attal «Il a déchiré les accords de Minsk avec ses déclarations», déclare le porte-parole du gouvernement ➡️ l.leparisien.fr/aoXC pic.twitter.com/kxsnoqMchv
posted at 22:37:31
RT @le_Parisien: DIRECT | Les forces armées ukrainiennes ont annoncé un plan de mobilisation dès mercredi des réservistes sur fond de craintes d’une escalade militaire par Moscou ➡️ l.leparisien.fr/satb pic.twitter.com/67Ub74Zpky
posted at 22:37:03
RT @le_Parisien: 🔴DIRECT | L’Ukraine appelle ses ressortissants à quitter «immédiatement» la Russie ➡️ l.leparisien.fr/yNhA pic.twitter.com/mUKM2M8F6m
posted at 22:36:54
RT @le_Parisien: DIRECT | «Nous avons en réserve des sanctions beaucoup plus pénalisantes si Vladimir Poutine persiste à violer le droit», a indiqué Bruno Le Maire ➡️ l.leparisien.fr/eSdg pic.twitter.com/llvVnOUHgX
posted at 22:36:43
RT @le_Parisien: #Ukraine Ce qu'il faut savoir: • Biden dénonce le «début d’une invasion» russe et annonce des sanctions financières contre la Russie • La Russie se dit prête à trouver des «solutions diplomatiques» avec les Occidentaux Suivez notre direct ⤵️ l.leparisien.fr/fs3N
posted at 22:36:34
RT @TheEconomist: Vladimir Putin is courting disaster for Russia’s neighbour—and himself econ.st/3h8l19S
posted at 22:35:43
RT @Telegraph: 🗣️In a news conference alongside his Polish and Lithuanian counterparts, Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said international response to Russia's actions should be "immediate and harsh." He added,"We expect further sanction pressure" pic.twitter.com/3BJFqqPEWM
posted at 22:35:28
RT @Telegraph: 🔴Russia’s ambassador to Germany Sergei Nechaev has said that he hopes Germany’s cancellation of Nord Stream 2 is a "temporary measure" and that "prudence and pragmatism will prevail" in the matter www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202… pic.twitter.com/AWRU1LJL3x
posted at 22:35:17
RT @Telegraph: 🗣️The crisis in Ukraine could be the most "critical moment" for the world since 1945, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said. "This is a moment to stand up for independence, for sovereignty, for territorial integrity and for democracy around the world," she said pic.twitter.com/jnh4aIw1rs
posted at 22:35:05
RT @Telegraph: 🔴Denis Pushilin, leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, said he would prefer to resolve questions about border demarcation with Kyiv peacefully, but reserved the right to ask Russia for help www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202… pic.twitter.com/LWd9eAy1KA
posted at 22:34:53
RT @Telegraph: 🔴The Prime Minister has said "even more" sanctions against Russia are coming when pressed to "unleash a full package" of measures by Sir Keir Starmer www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202… pic.twitter.com/JjTnK8r1xZ
posted at 22:34:30
RT @Telegraph: 🔴Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has defended the UK's "very serious package" of sanctions against Russia, arguing it will be effective in "inflicting pain" on Russian President Vladimir Putin pic.twitter.com/Rt24CC0vHa
posted at 22:34:21
RT @Telegraph: 🔴 Boris Johnson has announced Britain will provide Ukraine with "lethal defensive weapons" and "more military support" to Ukraine www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202… pic.twitter.com/o0FRIAfL4B
posted at 22:34:10
RT @Telegraph: 🔴 NEW: Vladimir Putin 'gone full tonto', says candid Ben Wallace Follow all the latest updates on our liveblog here 👇 www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202… pic.twitter.com/vAbyAH57oc
posted at 22:33:54
RT @Telegraph: 🗣️Scott Morrison says there will be a full-scale invasion in 'next 24 hours' 🚨Ukraine is to impose state of emergency 📈Gas prices keep rising as Russia sanctions mount Here are today's major developments so far (Free to read)👇 www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202…
posted at 22:33:19
RT @Telegraph: 🔴This is how Russia's military presence has mounted around Ukraine Read more: www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202… pic.twitter.com/Ub1RE8uwxG
posted at 22:33:07
RT @Telegraph: ❌Households are threatened with even higher energy bills including petrol at £1.70 a litre, after the invasion of Ukraine intensified the inflationary forces advancing on global markets www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2022/… pic.twitter.com/Ok9bmHFWT4
posted at 22:32:43
RT @Telegraph: 🇷🇺Russian military assets reportedly moving towards the Donbas region could heavily outmatch the Ukrainian forces defending the area. With 900,000 troops, Russia has the fourth largest military on the planet www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202… pic.twitter.com/TB0qR80w52
posted at 22:32:32
RT @Telegraph: 🚨BREAKING: Ukraine's security council has approved plans to declare a state of national emergency, in response to the growing threat of a Russian invasion www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202… pic.twitter.com/ao2ieo7HHn
posted at 22:32:13
RT @Telegraph: 🇬🇧Britain is ready to guarantee up to $500 million (£368 million) in loans to support Ukraine and help mitigate the economic effects of Russian aggression, the foreign office has said www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202… pic.twitter.com/iyMmvpnYsd
posted at 22:31:55
RT @Telegraph: 🇷🇺 The Russian President is laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow today to mark Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is a public holiday in Russia www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202… pic.twitter.com/8hoTg2ATZ4
posted at 22:31:45
RT @Telegraph: ⚠️A Russian invasion of Ukraine is “likely to occur within the next 24 hours”, Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison has warned www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202… pic.twitter.com/JznD0evYWo
posted at 22:31:35
RT @Telegraph: 🇺🇦Ukraine has started conscripting reservists aged 18-60 following a decree by President Volodymyr Zelensky, the armed forces said in a statement www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202… pic.twitter.com/BlcnIDlZcF
posted at 22:31:25
RT @Telegraph: 🔴Sanctions enacted by the West "cannot solve a thing" and that it is "ordinary citizens" in the West who will feel the impact, the Russian ambassador to the United States has warned www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202… pic.twitter.com/cMm6BVR92P
posted at 22:31:16