Channel: 野嵜健秀/NOZAKI Takehide(@nozakitakehide) - Twilog
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RT @Yomiuri_Online: 『ドイツ・ナショナリズム 「普遍」対「固有」の二千年史』今野元著(中公新書) 1056円/「歴史の黄昏」の彼方へ 危機の文明史観』野田宣雄著(千倉書房) 6160円 www.yomiuri.co.jp/culture/book/r… #カルチャー

posted at 05:40:09

RT @theprovince: Is mandatory COVID vaccination legal? Here's what Canada's charter says bit.ly/3nl3caY

posted at 05:39:26

RT @VancouverSun: Is mandatory COVID vaccination legal? Here's what Canada's charter says nationalpost.com/news/canada/is…

posted at 05:39:17


posted at 05:38:38

RT @Reuters: The Biden administration criticized China's decision to cancel a growing number of flights from the United States to China because of passengers who later tested positive for COVID-19 and warned it could take action in response reut.rs/3rekojt

posted at 05:38:05

RT @SZ: Vor Weihnachten waren sich Modellierer und Epidemiologen einig: Die neue Coronavirus-Variante „Omikron” wird mit nie da gewesener Wucht das neue Jahr einleiten. Ein Irrtum? SZ-Berechnungen zeigen: Wohl kaum. #SZPlus www.sueddeutsche.de/projekte/artik…

posted at 05:37:41

RT @Daily_Express: Covid warning: Expert forecasts more mutant variants to strike this year www.express.co.uk/news/science/1… pic.twitter.com/fvMxsB9EWY

posted at 05:37:27

RT @NPR: Quebec's plan to put a "significant" health tax on unvaccinated people — who account for a large share of COVID-19 hospitalizations — quickly drove a rush of new appointments this week, health officials say. n.pr/3GqgZ7v

posted at 05:37:06

RT @cnni: A breeding colony of 60 million fish has been discovered in Antarctica's ice-covered Weddell Sea. The previously unknown ecosystem covers an area the size of Malta. cnn.it/3FpW7w2

posted at 05:35:59

@AmazonJP 何が何だかさつぱりわからない

posted at 05:33:22

言葉についての対話 (平凡社ライブラリー) マルティン ハイデッガー www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4582763588/… @amazonJPより

posted at 05:29:41

RT @BW: The new 2022 Mercedes-Benz SL convertible is nothing like the classics trib.al/123K3Mm

posted at 03:00:40

RT @CBSNews: JUST IN: New study reveals stark COVID risks for unvaccinated pregnant women and their babies cbsn.ws/3zX5t17

posted at 02:58:45

RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING Police will NOT investigate Downing Street party yet - despite Boris Johnson confession www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/… pic.twitter.com/yqVsH5zr1t

posted at 02:57:50

RT @minesoh: 新型コロナウイルスの スパイクタンパク質が DNA にダメージを与える可能性があると書いた MDPI の Viruses に掲載された論文、懸念すべきことがあるという状況になっている模様👶 retractionwatch.com/2022/01/13/cov…

posted at 02:54:42

RT @FoxNews: Kamala Harris repeatedly says 'we are doing it' when asked about timeline of promised 500 million COVID tests www.foxnews.com/media/kamala-h…

posted at 02:53:36

RT @AFP: Poor countries refused to take around 100 million donated Covid-19 vaccine doses in December alone, chiefly due to their short shelf life, the United Nations said Thursday u.afp.com/wGwn

posted at 02:52:46

RT @RTLFrance: 😷 @ZemmourEric sur le port du masque #COVID19 💬 "Je mets le masque quand il faut, quand on me le demande. Dans mes meetings on a demandé le passe sanitaire, ce ne sont pas devenus des clusters. Je respecte la loi" ➡️ #RTLSoir avec @JSellier pic.twitter.com/PALXFlJ6x9

posted at 02:52:03

RT @MailOnline: MI5 issues urgent warning about Chinese 'spy' in WESTMINSTER trib.al/u5Gj0iH pic.twitter.com/bZ1VFxZjXV

posted at 02:50:54

RT @DailyMailUK: Anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller launches new political party 'True and Fair' trib.al/JqZfkCi

posted at 02:50:42


posted at 02:49:57

RT @AP: The initial batch of tests will be delivered for free to Americans through a federal website, which Biden said will launch next week. Biden said his administration would also announce details about the free N95 masks next week. apne.ws/i9yo0IP

posted at 02:49:01

RT @ntvde: *Oft gesehen* Specht zu Omikron und PCR-Mangel: "Jeder wird in nächsten zwei Monaten positiv getestet" www.n-tv.de/mediathek/vide… [Video] pic.twitter.com/zhdvHDMXy9

posted at 02:48:34

RT @morgenpost: Was ein junger Berliner nach einer Corona-Infektion erlebte www.morgenpost.de/berlin/article… pic.twitter.com/J3gv0NvTe3

posted at 02:47:48

RT @Newsweek: A judge ruled that it wouldn't be in the child's best interests to have contact with their father considering the surge in COVID cases in Quebec. www.newsweek.com/unvaccinated-f…

posted at 02:47:14

sの一字が抜けてゐる twitter.com/business/statu…

posted at 02:46:59

RT @business: Covid hopitalization are spreading from the Northeast to parts of the West Coast, as well as rural states across the country trib.al/JXOmtMk

posted at 02:46:20

RT @Daily_Express: EU gas supplies poised to hit record low as NATO warns 'real risk of conflict' with Putin www.express.co.uk/news/science/1… pic.twitter.com/TiDT4ce8Ur

posted at 02:46:05

RT @nprpolitics: President Biden announced his administration would buy another 500 million at-home COVID-19 tests for Americans, in addition to the 500 million announced last month. Biden also said the White House will make high-quality masks available for free soon. n.pr/3I3RA40

posted at 02:45:38

RT @minesoh: コロナに感染したアメリカの日本人情報より👶 やはり自己診断キットで陽性になった場合の医療機関や公的機関への届け出のフローがない模様。アメリカでも経口治療薬までのプロセスはスムーズではない場合も多そう。自己診断、自主待機も多いのかも…。統計値も過小評価になりそうね。

posted at 02:45:10

@minesoh 新型コロナウイルスに感染した男性の過小報告です twitter.com/nypost/status/…

posted at 02:45:00

RT @ReutersUS: Microsoft stops making Xbox One consoles reut.rs/3tpH8jf pic.twitter.com/gUIwc3oMiP

posted at 02:43:05

RT @EricTopol: Important new @NatImmunol report on #LongCovid persistent immune dysregulation 8 months after mild or moderate Covid, vs age and gender matched controls www.nature.com/articles/s4159… pic.twitter.com/FHIDyOdJVU

posted at 02:42:50

RT @AP: President Joe Biden has announced that the government will distribute N95 masks and 1 billion rapid, at-home COVID-19 tests free to Americans, doubling the amount of tests previously announced. apne.ws/FKxQ3oR

posted at 02:42:04

ニューヨークポスト報 新型コロナウイルスに感染した結果 twitter.com/nypost/status/…

posted at 02:41:08

RT @nypost: Man claims his penis shrunk 1.5 inches, 'COVID d–k is real' say docs trib.al/446XzpD pic.twitter.com/d5jLeiI7g1

posted at 02:38:17

@minesoh マジヤヴァイ

posted at 02:36:58


posted at 02:35:10

12月中にオックスフォードでの臨床試験データの報告が出てをり、ちやんとオミクロン株に対する中和抗体ができてゐたと言つてゐた twitter.com/nozakitakehide…

posted at 02:29:42

アストラゼネカのワクチン、3回接種でオミクロン株に効果 reut.rs/3Emd3TM

posted at 02:27:01

RT @tbs_news: 東京のコロナ入院患者あと350人ほど増えれば“まん延防止”措置検討へ cgi.tbs.co.jp/n/Ieus #tbs #tbs_news #japan #news

posted at 02:17:29

@8748ch シェルのスタンド、同じ市内ですが結構遠いです

posted at 02:16:48

アストラゼネカから技術供与を受けて開発されたインド製ワクチンでも同じやうな発表があつたばかり twitter.com/nozakitakehide…

posted at 02:15:38

ロイター伝 アストラゼネカによれば、同社製ワクチンで行つた試験の予備データが、ブースター接種でオミクロンバリアントとその他の変異体に対して高い抗体反応を示してゐる、との事。 twitter.com/Reuters/status…

posted at 02:14:24

RT @Reuters: AstraZeneca said preliminary data from a trial it conducted on its COVID-19 shot, Vaxzevria, showed it generated a higher antibody response against the Omicron variant and others, including Beta, Delta, Alpha and Gamma, when given as a third booster dose reut.rs/31TDaUG

posted at 02:10:16

@8748ch 系列のスタンドが既にアポロステーションに転換してゐるのにいまだにシェルでがんばつてゐるところで、価格がどうやら市内で一番安いらしいです

posted at 02:09:35

@8748ch 行きつけのシェルのスタンドでハイオクリッター168円でした

posted at 02:08:01

RT @MailOnline: Jacob Rees-Mogg claims Covid rules were 'TOO HARD' to follow trib.al/GERE3xC pic.twitter.com/87g4MrSQks

posted at 02:06:54

RT @ReutersJapan: ユーロ圏のインフレ高進、一時的なものでない=ECB副総裁 reut.rs/3Kc9WBJ

posted at 02:06:39

RT @minesoh: 【プレプリント】ワクチン接種・感染歴等で調整しての、南アフリカにおける #オミクロン変異体 流行前後の流行の波でのアウトカムの比較👶プレプリント注意ですが、#オミクロン変異体 による重大な入院/死亡のリスクは 対デルタで 25% 程減っているのではと。 www.medrxiv.org/content/10.110… pic.twitter.com/xL3Lv4cl8y

posted at 02:06:14

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