星が死にゆく最後の瞬間、超新星爆発をリアルタイムで観測 天文史上初 www.cnn.co.jp/fringe/3518179… @cnn_co_jpより
posted at 04:44:44
99年続いた車の有鉛ガソリン使用、世界で撤廃完了 国連環境計画 www.cnn.co.jp/business/35175… @cnn_co_jpより
posted at 04:42:51
RT @afpbbcom: スー・チー氏、また有罪判決 違法輸入などで禁錮4年 www.afpbb.com/articles/-/338…
posted at 04:30:56
RT @EricTopol: When you look at current US data, it fully supports Dr. Spencer's concerns @nytopinion and his thread twitter.com/Craig_A_Spence… pic.twitter.com/D68VBU9w1b
posted at 04:27:40
RT @EricTopol: also to note from the latest @UKHSA report assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl…… VE of Moderna booster to Pfizer 2-shots held up better than Pfizer 3rd shot at the same time points assessed (with caveats as noted in the report) pic.twitter.com/BtS3VQ9CTG
posted at 04:15:41
RT @EricTopol: Also, as previously noted, the improved Omicron protection with Moderna booster twitter.com/EricTopol/stat…
posted at 04:15:27
RT @EricTopol: Among >900,000 people vaccinated with Moderna matched vs >900,000 vaccinated with Pfizer, a significantly less hospitalization rate (and infection rate) through the Delta wave for Moderna papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cf… @DeptVetAffairs by @gnioannou and colleagues pic.twitter.com/3VVNLDuQZe
posted at 04:15:16
RT @EricTopol: Now adding hospitalizations for these same countries @OurWorldInData pic.twitter.com/G2yRk1PWM8
posted at 04:14:06
RT @EricTopol: Now adding the United States A much higher baseline of deaths/capita because of relative lack of containment/vaccination during the Delta wave pic.twitter.com/Uq2PuD7qyI
posted at 04:14:04
RT @EricTopol: With Omicron and new records of cases, the best case scenario is low severe disease and fatality numbers, as these countries are showing to date. relative to prior peaks @OurWorldInData pic.twitter.com/ZnAX33L2MS
posted at 04:13:59
RT @EricTopol: Hospitalizations, with comps (note vs US at 62% vaccinated, 21% boosted) Portugal is 34% boosted pic.twitter.com/tigiOzjsby
posted at 04:13:04
RT @sugoiiwakan: え、29万キロ超えたところなんだけど…??(汗) 車検に通らないことも! 最近話題のトヨタ車の「30万キロ問題」とは(WEB CARTOP) #Yahooニュース news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/05eeb…
posted at 02:42:19
RT @Newsweek: Unvaccinated Italians now barred from public transport unless recently recovered from COVID www.newsweek.com/unvaccinated-i…
posted at 02:37:16
RT @business: LATEST: There are growing signs that New York’s Covid-19 infections from the omicron variant may have reached a peak trib.al/8abmMQ4
posted at 02:36:42
RT @TIME: My child is turning 12. Which COVID-19 vaccine should they get? ti.me/3qdVSjs
posted at 02:36:10
RT @FAZ_Politik: Zu Beginn der Omikron-Welle wurde der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson für zu lasche Maßnahmen gerügt. Jetzt scheint sein Konzept aufzugehen. Wird Corona in Großbritannien von der Pandemie zur Endemie? Von @buchsteiner www.faz.net/aktuell/politi…
posted at 02:32:37
RT @FAZ_NET: Zu Beginn der Omikron-Welle wurde der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson für zu lasche Maßnahmen gerügt. Jetzt scheint sein Konzept aufzugehen. Wird Corona in Großbritannien von der Pandemie zur Endemie? Von @buchsteiner www.faz.net/aktuell/politi…
posted at 02:32:28
RT @NPR: Classes in Chicago have been canceled for the fourth day for roughly 300,000 students in the nation's third largest school district. The Chicago Teachers Union has called for a series of additional safety measures as COVID-19 cases skyrocket. n.pr/3JVRZr2
posted at 02:32:00
RT @CTVVancouver: B.C.'s Health Ministry is expected to release the latest COVID-19 case update Monday, with information on infections recorded over the weekend. bc.ctvnews.ca/covid-19-in-b-…
posted at 02:31:41
RT @washingtonpost: The same is true of the White House. Of the first 18 U.S. presidents, 12 were enslavers, including eight during their presidencies. wapo.st/3HRwPbB
posted at 02:27:28
RT @washingtonpost: Enslavers in Congress represented 37 states, including not just the South but every state in New England, much of the Midwest, and many Western states. The country is still grappling with the legacy of lawmakers’ embrace of slavery. wapo.st/3HRwPbB pic.twitter.com/ra0ERVcJwI
posted at 02:27:07
RT @washingtonpost: On March 7, 1850, as Sen. Daniel Webster delivered a famous speech about slavery, 45 of the 106 congressmen listening owned human beings. Those slaveholders included Jefferson Davis, Andrew Johnson and Sam Houston. wapo.st/3HRwPbB pic.twitter.com/EGmsqFtAjw
posted at 02:26:53
RT @washingtonpost: Until now, there has never been a comprehensive list of slaveholding members of Congress. This database helps reveal the glaring holes in many of the stories that Americans tell about the country’s history. wapo.st/3HRwPbB
posted at 02:26:40
RT @washingtonpost: More than 1,700 people who served in the U.S. Congress in the 18th, 19th and even 20th century were slaveholders at some point in their lives, according to a Washington Post investigation of censuses and other historical records. wapo.st/3HRwPbB
posted at 02:26:26
RT @Reuters: Like a fish out of water? Israeli team trains goldfish to drive reut.rs/3zGFniW pic.twitter.com/6dqnyvhZ1i
posted at 02:24:56
posted at 01:10:23
RT @cbcnewsbc: Parents and teachers are hoping enough measures are in place to keep students safe from COVID-19 as in-person learning resumes today across B.C. buff.ly/331QuXC
posted at 01:09:34
RT @nypost: Florida school bans teaching CRT, gender fluidity, and 'mainstream narrative surrounding COVID' trib.al/mxEQHJS pic.twitter.com/LNeOQZivJ3
posted at 01:08:30
RT @ReutersJapan: 中国恒大、本社を広州市に移転=報道 reut.rs/3Gh9FeG
posted at 01:06:51
RT @ntvde: Zweifel an Zuverlässigkeit: Erkennen Schnelltests auch Omikron-Infektionen? www.n-tv.de/wissen/Erkenne…
posted at 01:06:37
RT @DailyMirror: New data suggests pregnant women should get Covid vaccine 'as soon as possible' www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/heal… pic.twitter.com/wfpRkutA3r
posted at 01:06:27
RT @afpbbcom: 「地獄の門」の消火指示 トルクメン大統領 www.afpbb.com/articles/-/338…
posted at 01:02:05
RT @franceinfo: Centres de tests Covid-19 : "Le rôle des collectivités, c'est aussi de faciliter la vie des habitants", selon la maire de Rennes Nathalie Appéré www.francetvinfo.fr/sante/maladie/… pic.twitter.com/VprNROZS3l
posted at 01:01:25
RT @afpbbcom: キリスト象徴する「よき羊飼い」 金の指輪に…難破船で発見 イスラエル考古学庁は昨年12月、難破船から見つかった金の指輪を公開した。指輪はローマ時代のもので、石の部分にはイエス・キリストを象徴する図像が刻まれている。 pic.twitter.com/4jc2gC6dNM
posted at 01:00:19
@7SKSXHEerzFNdTS @MIKITO_777 リンク先までご覧になつていらつしやらないやうですが、書いてありますのでどうぞよろしく
posted at 00:59:27
@7SKSXHEerzFNdTS @MIKITO_777 こちら twitter.com/nozakitakehide…
posted at 00:57:14
@7SKSXHEerzFNdTS @MIKITO_777 2021年は自動車事故よりも新型コロナウイルスの方が死亡リスクが高かつたです
posted at 00:53:21
@7SKSXHEerzFNdTS @MIKITO_777 新型コロナウイルス 日本国内の感染者数・死者数・重症者数データ|NHK特設サイト www3.nhk.or.jp/news/special/c…
posted at 00:52:57
@7SKSXHEerzFNdTS @MIKITO_777 2021年の交通事故死者数は2636人で統計開始以来最小 前年から203人減少し5年連続で最少を更新 - Car Watch car.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1378…
posted at 00:52:33
@7SKSXHEerzFNdTS @MIKITO_777 2021年の出生数・死亡数の見通しー新型コロナの影響は限定的だが、一部に見過ごせない動きも|日本総研 www.jri.co.jp/page.jsp?id=39…
posted at 00:48:04
@7SKSXHEerzFNdTS @MIKITO_777 戦後は衛生状態の改善や医療体制の整備により、それ以前に比べて感染症の流行は抑へられてゐます。今回はそれでも抑へ切れない事態が生じてゐるのですが、だからと言つて何もしないのでは、昔みたいにとんでもないことになると予想されます。
posted at 00:43:47
@7SKSXHEerzFNdTS @MIKITO_777 第二次大戦より前の前近代的な時代のパンデミックは毎度、ものすごい数の死者を出したり長期間続いたりした挙句、やっと収まつてゐます。 ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%91…
posted at 00:39:52
RT @news24ntv: 【速報】政府 大規模接種センター再び開設の方針 www.news24.jp/articles/2022/… 政府は、3回目のワクチン接種をさらに早く進めるため、自衛隊が運営する #大規模接種センター を再び開設する方針を固めました。11日朝、岸田総理大臣が表明する見通しです。 pic.twitter.com/8sGeZ9UI67
posted at 00:32:56
RT @Tagesspiegel: Der CDU-Bundesvorstand distanziert sich von Hans-Georg Maaßen. Dieser hatte sich in sozialen Medien über angebliche Schäden bei Impfungen geäußert. Aus der Partei ausschließen will ihn die Führung aber vorerst nicht. www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/nach-p…
posted at 00:32:00
RT @afpfr: En Corse, le premier centre de vaccination contre le Covid à opérer 24 heures sur 24 en France vient d'ouvrir ses portes #AFP pic.twitter.com/8lyYN8XKaj
posted at 00:31:12
RT @le_Parisien: Flambée des nouveaux cas, Omicron, sous-vaccination... les Outre-mer face à une nouvelle vague #Covid19 ➡️ l.leparisien.fr/PhQc pic.twitter.com/Z0rk4ETM5v
posted at 00:30:16
@7SKSXHEerzFNdTS @MIKITO_777 コビッド19はウイルス感染症で、理想的には全人類が1ヶ月くらゐ一切互ひに接触しなければパンデミックなんてかんたんに収まるんですが、現実問題そんなの不可能です。人間はあれやこれやの対策をしてみるんですが、何をやつたつて、理想的のやり方に比べれば確実に事態は長期化します。
posted at 00:29:20
RT @CTVNews: Ontario reports at least 438 COVID-19 patients in ICU, fewer than 10K new cases toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-report…
posted at 00:25:35
@7SKSXHEerzFNdTS @MIKITO_777 ウイルス感染症対策にはワクチンが用ゐられる、と云ふ一般論に従つてゐます。
posted at 00:24:34