RT @Telegraph: ⚠️ Soaring inflation and tough Covid restrictions risk triggering double dip recessions, the World Bank has warned www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2021/…
posted at 00:35:48
posted at 00:35:15
RT @TheSun: Experts warn of lesser-known ‘key’ Omicron symptom to watch out for on your skin www.thesun.co.uk/health/1716708…
posted at 00:32:04
RT @investigativ_de: Die Zahl der Proteste gegen Corona-Maßnahmen nimmt zu. Teilnehmern wird vorgeworfen, sich nicht genug von gewaltbereiten Extremisten zu distanzieren. Vor der geplanten Demo heute in München sprach Benjamin Stibi @aufmerken mit zwei Initiatoren. @welt bit.ly/3sIozqk
posted at 00:31:39
RT @CNN: If you test positive for Covid-19, you'll be advised to isolate for anywhere from five days to two weeks. It all depends on where you live cnn.it/3EBYkUS
posted at 00:30:49
RT @Reuters: Italy's restaurants cry for help as COVID bites into New Year bookings reut.rs/3mHFCor pic.twitter.com/uoTZ0Yehcn
posted at 00:29:50
RT @DailyMailUK: Kerry Katona admits her mental health is 'not good' following spate of car thefts while battling Covid trib.al/Msn0I8R
posted at 00:29:27
RT @TheSun: Unvaccinated mum dies of Covid on Boxing Day two months after birth of beloved son www.thesun.co.uk/news/17164175/…
posted at 00:29:09
RT @CNEWS: Crise du Covid-19 : «Je suis extrêmement terrorisé par la crainte d'attraper quelque chose dès que je rencontre quelqu'un», explique Bernard Cohen-Hadad dans #90MinutesInfo pic.twitter.com/n9eYL6SpJC
posted at 00:28:33
RT @nytimes: Coronavirus infections are tearing through Europe and Britain with a swiftness outpacing anything seen over the past two years of the pandemic. Health officials suspect Omicron is driving the rise that has sent people scrambling for hard-to-find tests. nyti.ms/3qwur31
posted at 00:27:55
うちの場合、カップ焼きそばのお湯はトイレに流してゐる twitter.com/TheSun/status/…
posted at 00:27:39
RT @TheSun: Student drains pasta over the toilet to avoid washing the dishes in the sink pic.twitter.com/IodEHj7XL2
posted at 00:26:29
RT @faznet: In einigen Ländern Afrikas liegt die Impfquote bei unter zwei Prozent – weil es an Corona-Impfstoffen fehlt. Parnian Parvanta, Vizepräsidentin der deutschen Sektion von Ärzte ohne Grenzen, fordert deshalb die Aufhebung von Patenten. trib.al/J3x4DzY
posted at 00:25:42
RT @CTVToronto: #BREAKING: Health officials in Ontario are reporting a record-breaking 10,436 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-report…
posted at 00:25:08
RT @libe: Covid-19 : le couvre-feu fait son retour à la Réunion. www.liberation.fr/societe/sante/…
posted at 00:24:48
RT @EricTopol: A study of nearly 12,000 households in Denmark shows a marked reduction of Omicron transmission among people who had a 3rd (booster) shot www.medrxiv.org/content/10.110… pic.twitter.com/NjQPymxIG7
posted at 00:24:25
RT @Tagesspiegel: #Corona-Pandemie weltweit: #Frankreich meldet mehr als 200.000 Neuinfektion pro Tag – #Omikron-Variante breitet sich rasch aus. Mehr im Newsblog. www.tagesspiegel.de/wissen/corona-…
posted at 00:00:44
posted at 00:00:13