RT @Telegraph: "The public is being so heavily bombarded with biased, selective information that it is almost impossible to make out the truth" | writes @Sherelle_E_J www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2020/…
posted at 04:28:45
RT @TheEconomist: For many sports already on thin margins, such as rugby, losses from the pandemic could be devastating econ.trib.al/paBt4w6
posted at 04:27:55
posted at 04:27:28
posted at 04:26:54
posted at 04:26:13
posted at 04:25:45
RT @pigfilth1: @NBCNews pic.twitter.com/iPoLqNQRFX
posted at 04:25:27
RT @NBCNews: Swedes say US lockdown protesters don't understand how their country works. nbcnews.to/3dWaGdv
posted at 04:25:04
RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Fred Willard, a comic actor considered by many a master of the mockumentary genre, has died at age 86, his daughter says. nbcnews.to/367n8Va
posted at 04:23:05
RT @CNN: Not everyone wants things to go back to business as usual in Venice cnn.it/2X09Zch
posted at 04:21:15
RT @TIME: Turkey reports 41 new COVID-19 deaths, its lowest daily fatality number since March ti.me/2T9aCyP
posted at 04:20:16
RT @CNN: Spanish health authorities reported the lowest daily increase in coronavirus deaths since mid-March, as the number of new cases continues to slow down. cnn.it/3cPPt4V
posted at 04:19:19
RT @ABC: Nearly 50% of all nursing home residents live with Alzheimer's or dementia. abcn.ws/3699MYu
posted at 04:18:42
posted at 04:18:10
RT @latam_nomad: @Independent Not a mask in sight! How many will each of these catch it & infect others? whyspirulina.com pic.twitter.com/fhUdaZyJzH
posted at 04:17:18
RT @Independent: Inside the UK's biggest anti-lockdown protest www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-n…
posted at 04:17:04
RT @BBCNews: How coronavirus is driving a revolution in travel bbc.in/3fY8AeL
posted at 04:15:24
RT @CNN: A tourist from New York was arrested in Hawaii after he posted beach pictures on Instagram when he was supposed to be in quarantine cnn.it/2Tbq3GN
posted at 04:14:50
RT @Telegraph: In Asia 🌏 🔹 In the crowded public transport systems of Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea, the wearing of masks is seen as the key to protecting commuters from being infected with #Covid19 🔹 In Taipei, it has now been made compulsory on public transport (see below) pic.twitter.com/0NxeuGvLfX
posted at 04:12:50
RT @TheEconomist: In polls, two-thirds of Swedes say that their government is handling the epidemic well econ.trib.al/nD7zR0T
posted at 04:11:24
RT @guardiannews: Coronavirus world map: which countries have the most cases and deaths? www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may…
posted at 04:09:22
RT @TheEconomist: Cracks are beginning to appear in the farm-to-fork supply chain. @R_Shanbhogue asks Caitlin @WelshCE, director of global food security at @CSIS, what past food crises can show the industry during the pandemic and beyond econ.trib.al/L4HNOTP pic.twitter.com/vbzANVu2DZ
posted at 04:07:54
RT @AP: Puerto Rico will hold a nonbinding referendum in November to decide whether the island should become a U.S. state. The announcement that Gov. Wanda Vázquez made Saturday comes amid growing disillusion with the island’s U.S. territorial status. apne.ws/WZ2AEn3
posted at 04:06:40
posted at 02:36:57
posted at 02:35:53
posted at 02:35:16
posted at 02:33:37
posted at 02:33:10
ジェイムズ・ティプトリー・ジュニアの事かな twitter.com/uLSlllDjRDJUji…
posted at 02:32:11
RT @CNN: As the coronavirus pandemic stretches past its ninth week, tensions are rising between the White House and the nation's leading public health agency cnn.it/2LwaCF2
posted at 02:30:58
RT @DailyMailUK: One in three patients who fall severely ill with coronavirus develop deadly blood clots that trigger heart attacks and strokes, leading scientist says trib.al/7OWRFVu
posted at 02:30:30
posted at 02:27:37
posted at 02:26:45
posted at 02:24:44
「少数意見の尊重」「言論の自由」で押し切つて、民主主義的決定を妨害しようとするのも問題なのです。 twitter.com/kenshirou01/st…
posted at 02:23:34
@kenshirou01 @renho_sha 違法な事をやるなと言ふなら結構です。違法ではない事について、思想的・イデオロギー的に反対だから「やるな」と言ふのは自由ですが、議会での議決を妨害してまで反対するのは行き過ぎです。
posted at 02:21:45
@kenshirou01 @renho_sha 「やつてはいけないこと」をやるなと言ふなら構はないのですが、「やつてもよいこと」について「やるな」と言ふから日本の野党の人は問題があります。
posted at 02:19:03
@kenshirou01 @renho_sha 民主主義は多数決が原理です。数の論理なのです。それを否定するのは、民主主義を根本から否定する事です。
posted at 02:18:02
なぜか野党支持者の人は、野党=少数者の意見が通るのが民主主義! つて「!」つきで主張して呉れるんだよなー
posted at 02:17:11
posted at 02:16:36
posted at 02:16:14
posted at 02:15:37
@kenshirou01 @renho_sha ええ。少数派である野党の主張があまりにも強過ぎて、民主主義が危機に陥つてゐるのです。
posted at 02:14:03
@kenshirou01 @renho_sha なので検察庁法の改正をやると言つたら反対反対大反対つて野党が言つてゐるんですよね?
posted at 02:12:55
@kenshirou01 @renho_sha 日本の野党は、あまりにも言論の自由によりかかつてをり、自由主義と民主主義とのバランスを崩してゐます。少数派は適当なところで身を引き、潔く多数派に譲るべきです。
posted at 02:09:16
@kenshirou01 @renho_sha 少数意見の尊重は自由主義に属します。日本やアメリカ、あるいはイギリスでは議論の段階で自由な言論を表明する事が許されます。しかし、最終的には議論を打切つて、多数決により全体の方針を決定します。自由主義に偏つても民主主義に偏つてもシステムは破壊されます。バランスが重要です。
posted at 02:08:03
RT @syobocal_kanto: [開始5分前です] 『イエスタデイをうたって』第7話 2020-05-17 01:30~02:00 (テレビ朝日) #イエスタデイをうたって
posted at 01:32:33
RT @tamuhika0905: #ギャルと恐竜 今日は神回だったなぁ😁 早く製作再開を祈るばかり
posted at 01:31:06
RT @yuzu_kmc: 前に駅ででかいキャリー抱えて移動してたら、重すぎで階段で死にそうな時に声かけてスッと運んで助けてくれた紳士ウンチョコピーのゴーミナさん! あの時はありがとうございました🙇♂️✨ #ギャルと恐竜 pic.twitter.com/LGk1eEuBHh
posted at 01:30:44